
Priding themselves on being head and shoulders above other grill manufacturers, Kalamazo specialise in gourmet grilling excellence. Experts in fire and flame, their designs are synonymous with outdoor cooking and widely considered as the best grills in the business. Versatile, innovative and built to last decades, Kalamazoo never stops innovating and bringing functional excellence to any outdoor kitchen design. Our job is to bring them to the UK.

Discover Kalamazoo’s Arcadia & Signature ranges.


Arcadia offers a complete, modular solution with a stunning linear aesthetic. The collection includes a broad selection of cabinetry and fully-integrated refrigeration, allowing for infinite possibilities. This contemporary offering can be tailored to meet the unique needs of any project.


Sleek and sophisticated, Kalamazoo’s Signature line of cabinetry and refrigeration features a seamless stainless-steel appearance with full-overlay doors. Its signature feature is the hand-welded, seamless rain gutter that surrounds every door and drawer opening to create a truly weather-tight cabinet. Everything inside remains clean, dry and ready to use.